Blue Dragon
Blue Dragon is another action heavy anime that features Shuu in his quest to save the world from being taken over in both seasons. With S1 and S2 being so different in the ratings I'm here to explain why!
We'll start with S1 since it is first. With S1 you are just getting to know Shuu as he takes on the empire that threatens the world. His first encounter with this empire is when they try to take over his village and try to kill him. Fortunately for him he is the holder of one of he legendary shadows known as Blue Dragon. During S1 you see him learn how to control his power over the course of it and even become friend with his inner demon much like Naruto except, having a giant Blue Dragon whoop ass for you somehow strikes me as cooler than becoming a neon light at a bar. Most people write BD off for the fact that the protagonist is very young but, if you have ever watched Hunter X Hunter then this is right up your alley though, the world isn't as complicated the action is really intense.
The strengths of this anime is definitely the action with some of the cooler fight scenes in anime it is surprisingly underrated among many of reviewers today to such a point that no one really knows what it is and hell, I even saw someone try to ask if BD was Happy from Fairy Tails' dragon form(which no he never gets one). The only real issue I saw was how useless Kluke actually is through all 50 some odd episodes she always appears to be the most useless person in the group no matter what happens hell I even think Krillin could kill her without dying. With that being said the first season is really good with lots of plot twist to help make sure you have no fucking clue what is actually going to happen and even has one of the best betrayals I've seen since you never even see it coming. With that I will be moving on to the second season if you have not seen season one and want too do not read any further as there will be spoilers from season one.
Now, season two has major problems starting with well pretty much everything. Shuu hasn't grown an inch in a few years even though he is a child in the first season and he is in a relationship with Bouqet for the most part. One of the things that really doesn't make sense about that is that she is an anime only character so, why they decided to go that route really doesn't make sense. I understand wanting to change it up but, it didn't really have any merit to back it up other than the fact she basically stalked him for a few years. I also think the enemy in S2 is a lot less thought out and far more predictable as to what will happen whereas in S1 there were no such predictability. Another thing that can be said about this is that if they wanted to go the whole 'Missing Dragon' route then a lot of the weaknesses in S1 that were apparent don't make any sense if Big Blue is supposed to be a god he should have been more than capable of wiping people the fuck out.
Well that's all there is to it for S1 and S2 I would recommend watching S1 a lot and I would only watch S2 if I was really bored. Of course these are my opinions and it shouldn't stop you from watching S2 if you really enjoy Blue Dragon in general. As far as I know there will not be a season three of Blue Dragon.
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