Boku Dake Ga Inai Machi
This anime revolves around Satrou a struggling manga artist that ends up learning a lot about his own disturbing past. With a lot of mysteries to solve about his own past will he be able to stop the murders of the past with his special power?
This anime in general is great though, the only super power in the whole thing is the going back in time bit it is a good story for anyone to watch even if mystery isn't necessarily your thing. Satoru has the power to randomly travel back in time to a random point and live on with his current knowledge in life. It could be a minor change or a major one that being said his actions do effect the present day so, he cannot be super careless with it. The whole anime is basically about a murder that happens in his past when he was a child. Obviously not knowing what he knows today about it there is always that wish you could go back and maybe do something. Fortunately for Satoru he has such power that he can do that though, this is the first time that it has happened on such a drastic scale.
The core of this show is its' mystery it keeps you guessing for a long time until it surprises you with what actually happens and even when you find out that doesn't mean you are in the clear yet remember, Sotaru can go back but, only in the body of a small child. Meaning he isn't going to win any straight up fight against anyone that is an adult of any kind. There is very little actionish moments shying away the action lovers but, I would say the story is probably enough to counter-balance that. The only real weakness this anime has is its ending which seems to be a trend with great anime. Unfortunately there have been a great deal of animes that have been great and had bad endings but, all that really shows me is that sometimes what is happening backstage can really affect what is happening on the paper and what the finished project ends up looking like. Bleach is a perfect example of this incident.
With all of that included this anime is generally attractive and unfortunately I cannot review a very long time on it as I would end up giving way bits and pieces to the mystery but, don't get deterred you can take my word on this one when I say other than the ending this anime was spectacular. It has a little bit of everything you want in a mystery including the keeping you guessing part. That being the case this is a good anime for mystery lovers and a good starter anime to show that it isn't all fan-service and power-ups. You can definitely watch this one at work since as far as I can recall there is zero fan-service and quite honestly when you have a story as good as this one you don't need it.
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