Luck & Logic

Luck and logic is about Tsurugi a man who uses the power of logic to fight beings from another dimension whom have invaded our world with the help of the goddess Athena. With weird powers on the way similar to something like RWBY but, not really in the same spectrum.

Honestly I have to say that I enjoyed this anime right out of the gate but, I'm still going to tear it a new one. Despite the fact that I particularly liked this show since it was one of the only ones that I watched when it came out; it always seemed to be lacking something throughout the entirety of all twelve episodes. There wasn't really an explanation as to what the hell was happening and it felt really rushed. Though, I will say that the combat was cool overall the fact that the entire time I felt as though it were missing something really bothered me. Part of that comes from the main character's story-line about losing his first set of powers. If he is supposed to be a badass then fucking act like it.

The only true strength that Luck & Logic has is its' fight scenes. Everything else was mostly generic and could have easily been replaced by animes in the same season be it romance or comedy. I will admit that having a main character that started out strong and kind of fizzled out was a different approach to it that I liked but, I think they screwed it up towards the end. With so many holes to fill or many things that felt sloppily put together and even lazily written it is hard to give this an average grade let a lone a good one. Even with all of that the action was really spot on for most of the anime so that ends up out-weighing a lot of the bad parts. I guess that is where a lot of their efforts went because it is hard to find elsewhere.

Another problem I would say I had with it was that it tried really hard for the harem look but, it just fell on its' face. Hell they flat out stopped that approach midway through and then pursued a romance. I guess he DID pick someone but, they could have done a way better job at it rather than what happened.

I don't really have much else to say on this one. Luck & Logic is best when you are out of anime to watch or are looking to kill time. I am not saying don't watch it I'm just saying you may not enjoy it less you just want the fighting that part is on point this dude makes captain america look like a bitch with his shield(towards the end). Hope you enjoyed.

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