Witchblade is an anime that is based off of the American comic Witchblade. Which is uber bad ass if you haven't looked into it. The anime circles around a young woman and her daughter after a large scale natural disaster leaves japan in shamble or more so Tokyo.
Witchblade is an action heavy anime with little heart to heart and is mostly about using the Witchblade to protect Amaha's daughter. Amaha is the inheritor of the Witchblade power which if you don't know anything about here is a brief history. Witchblade is a powerful female-only power that infects the user so long as they wear a gauntlet or in the anime's case a bracelet that incorporated them with the Witchblade in the first place. Top Cow produced this along side The Darkness which is another weapon of mass destruction that has even bested the entire justice league from DC comics including Superman. So it is safe to say that anything involving The Darkness or The Witchblade is bound to pack a punch. There are other super weapons like those two but, for this anime you should only need to know Witchblade. However, you don't need to know anything about the comic to actually enjoy this show.
Despite what many would say is a failure of an adaptation Witchblade is actually a pretty good show that I would have liked a second season of. Unfortunately, it received high criticism and will probably never get a second season. The anime version of this comic has a lot of compelling action and stories to tell and though knowing about the comic book would certainly help in knowing about some things you should be able to grasp what is happening in the show. The best part about this is you get to see Amaha go Witchblade on a bunch of people running around skampily dressed while murdering everything around her in a calm demeanor so, whats not to like? As I said this anime got many poor reviews but, I think that was probably because there are SOME elements to the story that do pertain to people who know about the comic book series and it did make some of the story harder to follow. Without help from some outside sources some of the loose ends in the show are unexplained and leaves for loop holes that don't actually exist in the Witchblade comic series.
The show itself doesn't really have a weakness other than the plot holes that would be filled should you know about Witchblade. The show has many ups and downs in its' short twenty four episode run but, with the action and compelling story it should be enough to make anyone who can follow a story appreciate the effort they went through to try and make a American idea into a Japanese adaptation. One of the things that I will say about this show is that it is fairly difficult to find and even when you do find it usually not all twenty four episodes are present. Should you have difficulty finding this show if you want to watch it I will provide a link.
In conclusion, I would say Witchblade is a pretty good anime even for being a Japanese adaptation of an American comic book. I appreciate that it is one of the better interpretations since it is a lot closer to the comic book series than other interpretations I.E. The Avengers or, Transformers. Considering the effort they went through to get this animated and try to get people into the American side of imagination even if you don't know anything about Witchblade if you want to write stories, make games, or shows this may be a really good insight on how another culture may perceive your work. Also, if you want to get a buddy who is into comics into anime or manga this is a great start!
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