
Showing posts from May, 2017

Big O

7/10 Ever wanna see Batman in a giant robot well, this is pretty much what this is. The Big O is a story about Robert Smith (awesomely generic) who is a man whom is basically a private investigator with a giant robot of ass kick a long with one of the weirdest intro songs ever. Despite my personal love of this show via childhood and original Toonami it has just as many problems as it does cool factors. Starting off with the cool stuff like Big O which is a robot that can show up just about anywhere even when Robert isn't anywhere near where he lives. Also, the fact that the dude is really cool in most of the situations he ends up in. With more budget in his pocket than in his show he did a fairly good job of leaving a good impression on anyone who saw him. There are a lot of weird factors in Big O though that really hurt the quality. One of the main harmers is the story which I ended up rewatching and still have no clue what the hell happened. So, if you can figure it...

Fairy Tail (Update)

A horribly sad piece of news is about to hit you like a ton of bricks... Everyone is excited for the new FT movie unfortunately, this is also a signal of the end of FT. While browsing the internet I happened across a quote from Comicbook/ straight out of Hiro Mashima's mouth. The quote basically states that the manga will be ending and those of you who don't know much about it manga is basically an anime's script. It is a comic book of sorts that they draw the inspiration and story line from. It is the framework and heart of any anime so if it is ending then the anime is soon to follow. Here is the quote... “This project started as a fun thing to do while feeling a bit adventurous, trying to solve various obstacles in the journey. But if I continued doing just what for a long time, I would get tired, so I started including a variety of things. Since my previous work was quite a heavy story, I remember thinking to myself that I wanted to go a bit light this ...

Actually I am a...

7/10 This RomCom of an anime revolves around a high school that has some secrets that not many know about such as: vampires, aliens, and even werewolves. We will follow Asahi a kid who can't lie as he tries to keep the schools biggest secret. Jitsu wa watashi wa(Actually I am a...) is a typical school anime that reminds me of something more a long the lines of Rosario + Vampire as it is similar in concept. There is a main character trying to hide a huge secret in both of these anime one being that he is a human the other is that the girl he is trying to court is actually a vampire. This one is about trying to keep the vampiric lady a secret rather than himself even go so far as to throw himself under the bus to keep from revealing her secret. It is reveled why she must keep it a secret much later in the story. Fortune Arterial is also a pretty good comparison to this anime. This show mainly goes around the fact that the main character is simply bad at keeping secrets even th...

Interviews with Monster-girls

8/10 Heading back into the lighter things this anime is about a teacher that wants to learn more about the "Demi-Chan's" that live in our world. Things like vampires, werewolves, succubus, and other mythical beings are genetic defects in this world. This is a light-hearted anime made for people who want to relax and chill out with a good laugh here and there. This show mostly follows the teacher Tetsuo who wants to make a journal of various Demi-chans that are from around the world. He is fairly reliable, likable, and is pretty smart as far as anime main characters go. There are some attempts at fan-service and romance but, this show mostly sticks to its' guns with the whole just being a show about interviewing thing. Which I have to admit is a nice change of pace. I like my monster-girls as much as the next guy but, recently it may be too much so, this is a nice new take on it considering the fact that they even tried to get all scientific about it. The main s...

Tokyo Ghoul

9/10 Getting into the good animes today with Tokyo Ghoul! This anime follows Kaneki a young man who ends up encountering a very powerful 'Ghoul' called Rize; this meeting would spark the beginnings of a legend among the Ghouls! Tokyo Ghoul is very highly rated for a reason and that is because its' story is so good. It is portrayed well and has great suspense for both readers and viewers! To start things off Kaneki is a pretty normal guy with little to be proud of as he is not particularly special in anyway though, this changes when he catches the attention of a female ghoul named Rize. It would be a fate that he could never have wanted or dreamed of considering how ghouls are viewed across the world in Tokyo Ghoul. Ghouls in this show are people that eat human flesh and have powers to go along with it to do so. Effectively they come across like vampires but, there are many differences between the two and considering what they normally eat it is not hard to see why on...


8/10 Witchblade is an anime that is based off of the American comic Witchblade. Which is uber bad ass if you haven't looked into it. The anime circles around a young woman and her daughter after a large scale natural disaster leaves japan in shamble or more so Tokyo. Witchblade is an action heavy anime with little heart to heart and is mostly about using the Witchblade to protect Amaha's daughter. Amaha is the inheritor of the Witchblade power which if you don't know anything about here is a brief history. Witchblade is a powerful female-only power that infects the user so long as they wear a gauntlet or in the anime's case a bracelet that incorporated them with the Witchblade in the first place. Top Cow produced this along side The Darkness which is another weapon of mass destruction that has even bested the entire justice league from DC comics including Superman. So it is safe to say that anything involving The Darkness or The Witchblade is bound to pack a pu...


6/10 Kekkaishi revolves around a dynamic duo of exorcist who take their jobs as seriously as you can. Fighting off demons around the school or around the city is about all you can ask for a pair of teenagers. First off I'd like to apologize for the lack of post ended up with some family issues expect more to come nowadays. With that out of the way lets hop into Kekkaishi which receives a pretty average rating. At first this anime comes across very strong and will probably leave a lasting impression for it but, it just lacks something overall that would make it special. Yoshimori is our main character for the series whom is a fourteen year old kid our other main is a girl named Tokine which you end up finding out our main bro harbors feelings for despite the age difference. Though this anime is supposed to be comedic it is far more actiony and any comedy that did get put in was mostly dry. Honestly the strength of this anime is probably the action because nothing really s...